Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sundafu Recycling

My dad is in the roofing trade and does a lot of sheet metal work. He does a lot of copper roofs and frequently brings home scrap copper, both No. 1 and No. 2. He’ll save aluminum if the price is right. Usually it’s not worth the hassle to save aluminum because it is so light. Scrap yards are like gold mines these days. In the past years copper has shot up tremendously in value. At one point some scrap yards were giving $3 a pound for No. 1 copper. We go to Sundafu Recycling in Conshohocken, formerly Giamo’s. When we went about a week ago the prices were $2.30 for No. 1 copper and $1.90 for No. 2 copper. We had a trash can full of No. 1 and a trash can full of No. 2 and raked in $315 cash. That was about a month and a half’s worth of scrap. That’s pretty good income for scrap metal. It is unbelievable how much they are giving for scrap metal. So, if you have metal laying around, cash it in.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Carrabba's Willow Grove

I decided to take my girlfriend to Carrabba’s for a birthday dinner. Now I have beenI went to the Carrabba’s on Maryland Rd. in Willow Grove. We walk in and the hostess seats us and all. Then the hostess comes over and takes drink orders. I figured the waitress was busy and the hostess covered for her, which is understandable. Then our waitress finally comes and gives us settings and tells us our bread will be out shortly. Two other families get seated at our waitress' tables. They all get bread and settings before she even takes our order. So we're waiting and waiting and she finally comes and take our orders. I order the Sirloin Marsala with garlic mashed potatoes and Pasta Fagiolo soup as a side. My girlfriend ordered the chicken parm. with spaghetti on the side. A few minutes pass by and another waitress brings out my soup, still no bread. That's when I said, "No bread?, no tip." I was craving baked italian bread with olive oil. My soup began to taste like it. I'm eating my soup and my poor girlfriend watched and starved. I offered her some but she doesn't like beans. She said, "It would be nice if we had some bread." All the other tables with large families got served bread (I guess they would tip better). I finish my soup and our meals come out. The food was delicious and very warm. My girlfriend finished her drink and I started the clock, (yes, that's how shitty this waitress was). I strategically placed the empty glass where the waitress would trip over it. I gave my soda to my girlfriend, that's how bad it got. The waitress was too busy singing happy birthday and serving dessert to the other tables that would bring in more tip revenue, rather than worrying about out drinks. It took her 8 minutes to finally acknowledge we needed drinks. She noticed the empty glass before she tripped over it and said "Oh, did you guys wants refills." Of course I want a refill dingbat, my mouths on friggin' fire. The entire time we ate she didn't even ask how the food was. The check came and the bill was like $45. I pulled out my sharpie and wrote on a dollar bill, "Bread." I gave her four dollars. I still think I overtipped. My girlfriend, of all people, asked why I gave so much. I was a victim of pre-judgement and I knew it. She saw a young couple and thought she wouldn't get any tip. I usually tip 20+ percent at any restaurant, but when I get service like that, I don't tip at all. I was about to give the hostess the tip, he served me better than the waitress did.

Other than the service, the food was excellent as always. The sirloin marsala was to die for. The garlic mashed potatoes were excellent, as well as the soup. I love Carrabba’s food, but now I fear going back and getting the same service and having my food contaminated with mucus because of the tip I left. The service is usually outstanding. Just because she thought she was getting a bad tip, is no excuse for bad service. You treat every customer with the same level of respect. My money isn't purple. She'll learn.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Beef and Beer

I like the whole idea of a beef and beer. It's a time for eveyone to have fun and drink. I went to a beef and beer saturday night at St. Dominic's on Frankford Ave. The cause was for a 14 year old kid who died from a brain tumor. The proceeds went towards the parents medical bills. The cost of the beef and beer was $20 and it covered all the food you can eat and all the beer/soda you can drink. It's a lot better than going to a bar and spending $50 for a few drinks, and the money doesn't even go towards a good cause. Beef and beers usually have good raffle prizes too. I paid $20 for 25 tickets. Prizes included autographed an autographed football and puck, spa packages, weekend pocono resort, basket of cheer and many other great prizes. My dad won the autographed football. Bon Jovi and Ron Jaworski (former Eagles quarterback and part owner of the Philadelphia Soul) both signed an AFL ball. The 50/50 ticket was a $420 pot. It was a good time. There was a DJ, dance floor, beer and tons of food.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Red Light Cameras

I hate these cameras. I understand it reduces the amount of accidents and that it is for safety reasons, but these cameras are a pain. If I'm cruising at about 45-55 mph on the Boulevard, I don't want to slam my brakes on and risk getting hit in the rear just to avoid a ticket when the light turns yellow. I don't intentionally blow red lights. Accidents don't happen because people go through the yellow light a tad late on the Boulevard, because no one is turning left. The accidents happen on the cross streets, where the traffic is making left turns onto the Boulevard. Camera's on the cross streets are fine because the posted speed limits are low enough that you can pretty much stop on the dime. I have not gotten a ticket from these cameras yet because I have used my brakes like they were made out of porcelain (airplane brakes), in order to stop in time.

I have done some research though on products that fool the red light camera system. You can roll the James Bond way and have flip down license plates, which are pretty pricy and very illegal. A company named Phantom Plate has two products that reflect the flsh of the camera so it blurs your tag in the photo. One is a reflective cover that you have to fasten, which is illegal and you can receive a fine if caught. The other is a clear spray on product that comes in a spray can. You simply spray the substance over your license plate and it supposedly provides a reflective coating on your plate to reflect the camera flash. From what I have researched, the spray product is only illegal in Illinois and New York. But even so, the spray is completely clear and no one will ever know it is on your plates. I don't know how long the coating stays on the plate though. It probably states so on the spray can itself. I haven't tried the product yet to see if it works, but tests have proven that it is in fact effective. The spray costs about $30.

The Addiction

I know this post is completely off topic, but I have been become addicted to this guitar hero thing. My girlfriend's brother received Guitar Hero III for Christmas. I thought this game was the most lamest and stupidest game known to man; everyone is jamming on a plastic guitar looking like a retard. I thought to myself, "I will never look like that." I was wrong. I was peer pressured into playing the game. They were passing the guitar like it was a blunt, "Two songs and pass." So it became, "My turn." "Come on man you gotta try it," they all shouted. So I said fine and acted uninterested in the game. I took the guitar, positioned my fingers and hit play. I believe it was Barracuda, by Heart on easy mode. So the notes come up and I hit like every note and all of a sudden I have a 50 note streak. I said, "I told you guys this game is too easy." They were amazed that I was better than all of them and I had never even played guitar hero before. So I was getting into this song, holding the guitar straight up and down and pushing the whammy bar. I completed the song, 90%. "My turn, my turn!" I was like, "Ya right, 2 songs and pass kids." It was like heroin. 1 song and I was addicted. This game is amazing. The only thing bad about it is that after you play a song and look around the room, it looks like the room is floating. I know this can't be good for your eyes. My birthday is coming up, and the rumor is my girlfriend is getting me guitar hero 3. Rookie mistake. I found the picture above pretty amusing.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Horses for Public Transportation

An IM conversation between "The Kid" (Me) and "The Man" (a co-worker).

The Man <2:10:24>: where would you park your horse?
The Kid <2:10:26>: just use horse and buggy
The Kid <2:10:35>: in my shed
The Man <2:10:42>: you have a shed at the mall?
The Kid <2:11:07>: i'd park next to your car,, tie him to the bumber and let it shit all over your hood
The Kid <2:11:15>: bumper*
The Man <2:12:29>: too bad i don;t have bumpers to tie it to
The Kid <2:12:35>: smart ass
The Kid <2:12:43>: ill tie it to the door handle
The Man <2:13:20>: you'd have better luck tieing it to a 40'x40' brick wall...there's NOTHING to tie onto
The Man <2:13:35>: i don;t have ford door handles
The Kid <2:13:40>: punch out the side window
The Kid <2:13:46>: punch out the windshield
The Kid <2:13:55>: tie to the door frame
The Man <2:14:43>: i rarely spend more than an hour in the that time i would have come across you in your act of vandalism
The Kid <2:15:10>: then ill hop on the horse and mow you down croquet style
The Kid <2:15:24>: hit your knee caps with the mallet
The Man <2:15:25>: it would take yuo 5 minutes to un-harness him
The Man <2:15:38>: at that point, i'd have already tasered you and the horse
The Kid <2:15:40>: ya right son..switch blade
The Kid <2:15:43>: giddy up
The Man <2:15:49>: zap
The Kid <2:16:00>: .38 special
The Man <2:16:06>: i'd get you witha net gun
The Kid <2:16:50>: *pulls out match*

My Eye Hurts

I was out estimating a job with my dad Sunday morning and on the way back I saw the most ugliest thing. We were driving down Willow Grove Ave. in the Wyndmoor area, and all of a sudden I got this sharp pain in my eye. On a side street off of Willow Grove Ave. there was this beautiful home, about 2000 sf, and atop there were these hideous solar panels attached to the roof. Now for me to be concentrating on driving, looking straight ahead and see these panels extending from the roof on a side street, you know it's pretty bad. They weren't installed flat to the roof either, they were raised at like a 45 degree angle from the roof like the picture shows. I understand that the solar panels have to be installed at the proper angles to maximize efficiency, but why would anyone in their right mind have solar panels installed on their home in the first place.

I thought to myself, maybe these things have a large payoff. So I did some research to find out that these things are USELESS. I read an article of a pro-solar panel advocate who used to install the panels for a living, and read some interesting points. This is the article( ). He states that it can take up to 25 years for this system to pay off. He brings up a good point that non-renewable energy systems never pay off. This is true, but who is staying in the same household for more than 25 years to see this payback! The chances are if you have solar panels installed you will never see the payback. The average homebuyer moves about every eight years. That brings up my next point, who the hell is going to buy a home with those ugly pieces of crap on the roof, who's going to buy a house next door? They'll need to see an eye surgeon every 3 months because their eye will be bleeding from the ugliness. What if you need a new roof? A roofing contractor is going to bid that job through the roof, he isn't going to want any parts of that mess. I understand that utilizing solar power is great from an environmental standpoint, but use them at power plants, not on my roof.

Friday, January 11, 2008

2 for the price of 1

I live in Willow Grove, and there is pretty much nothing ever to do. It is always a debate as to what to do, without having to drive a half hour and use ten dollars in gas. We usually wind up going to the movies, because that is pretty much the only night-life Willow Grove possesses. I strategically pick Tuesday to go to the movies because that is when Regal Warrington Crossing Theater has their free popcorn night when you present your Regal club card. Those evil con-artists get you on the drinks though. That is okay though because I get my girlfriend to bring her grandmom purse and fill it with drinks and munchies. I loove when the movie hits a silent moment, and I open my can of soda and the sound of the can opening echoes throughout the theater. I just chuckle to myself everytime.

Before I go to the movies I check online for their showtimes. I like going around 7:00pm after I eat dinner. I pick a movie and see how long it runs for and add 15 minutes for previews. Since the cost to see a movie was raised to $10 for adult, I see two movies for the price of one. So I scroll down the page and find another attracting movie that begins when my first movie ends. If the showtimes don't cooperate, I pick better showtimes so that it works.
The hard part is whenyour first movie lets out. You have to search for what theater your next movie is in, without looking suspicious. So what you do is send the gf to the bathroom and walk around whistling looking for your next movie. Even after you do that you can't go into the movie. You see, minimum people go to the movies at 9pm on a tuesday night. So if no one buys tickets to that showtime, they wont play the movie. So if you take a seat in that theater with no ticket, and you are the only ones, and when the cleaning crew comes in, you're screwed and you better have your Nike's on. To prevent this, I usually schedule the later movie to be a more popular one that people are more likely to go to. I wait outside the second movie until someone else goes in. That way I know someone bought tickets to the show and I'm in the clear. Unless they are pulling the same stunt I am. Then you sit back, relax and crack another soda open just as the movie begins to play.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Willy G

I'd figure I'd kick this blog off about what I will be blogging about. I used to live in Philly, but recently moved to Willow Grove. That's how I came up with the name for this blog. The kid part comes from work, where they call me "The Kid." I decided to make this blog because I have always wanted to write a blog about something. I thought the concept of blogging was ineteresting. What realllly motivated me to start this blog up, was when I read in the paper that people could make money from advertising on their blogs using google adsense. I researched it, it looked easy so I'm gonna give it a try. I figure if I can make money by writing about junk I like to write about, than that's awesome. But back to the blog. I know the Philadelphia area pretty well and decided to blog about what's in and what's out in this town. I'm gonna blog about anything, restaurants, places to visit, shops in town, attractions, movies, current events, local news, anything. I may relate to personal experiences at times, things i see on the street, things that piss me off, things that make me laugh, drinking binges, you name it. I have a partner in crime(BillyBill) who started his blog the same time I did. You can check out his blog linked on my site. HE'S THE MAN.