Monday, January 14, 2008

Horses for Public Transportation

An IM conversation between "The Kid" (Me) and "The Man" (a co-worker).

The Man <2:10:24>: where would you park your horse?
The Kid <2:10:26>: just use horse and buggy
The Kid <2:10:35>: in my shed
The Man <2:10:42>: you have a shed at the mall?
The Kid <2:11:07>: i'd park next to your car,, tie him to the bumber and let it shit all over your hood
The Kid <2:11:15>: bumper*
The Man <2:12:29>: too bad i don;t have bumpers to tie it to
The Kid <2:12:35>: smart ass
The Kid <2:12:43>: ill tie it to the door handle
The Man <2:13:20>: you'd have better luck tieing it to a 40'x40' brick wall...there's NOTHING to tie onto
The Man <2:13:35>: i don;t have ford door handles
The Kid <2:13:40>: punch out the side window
The Kid <2:13:46>: punch out the windshield
The Kid <2:13:55>: tie to the door frame
The Man <2:14:43>: i rarely spend more than an hour in the that time i would have come across you in your act of vandalism
The Kid <2:15:10>: then ill hop on the horse and mow you down croquet style
The Kid <2:15:24>: hit your knee caps with the mallet
The Man <2:15:25>: it would take yuo 5 minutes to un-harness him
The Man <2:15:38>: at that point, i'd have already tasered you and the horse
The Kid <2:15:40>: ya right son..switch blade
The Kid <2:15:43>: giddy up
The Man <2:15:49>: zap
The Kid <2:16:00>: .38 special
The Man <2:16:06>: i'd get you witha net gun
The Kid <2:16:50>: *pulls out match*

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