I hate these cameras. I understand it reduces the amount of accidents and that it is for safety reasons, but these cameras are a pain. If I'm cruising at about 45-55 mph on the Boulevard, I don't want to slam my brakes on and risk getting hit in the rear just to avoid a ticket when the light turns yellow. I don't intentionally blow red lights. Accidents don't happen because people go through the yellow light a tad late on the Boulevard, because no one is turning left. The accidents happen on the cross streets, where the traffic is making left turns onto the Boulevard. Camera's on the cross streets are fine because the posted speed limits are low enough that you can pretty much stop on the dime. I have not gotten a ticket from these cameras yet because I have used my brakes like they were made out of porcelain (airplane brakes), in order to stop in time.
I have done some research though on products that fool the red light camera

system. You can roll the James Bond way and have flip down license plates, which are pretty pricy and very illegal. A company named Phantom Plate has two products that reflect the flsh of the camera so it blurs your tag in the photo. One is a reflective cover that you have to fasten, which is illegal and you can receive a fine if caught. The other is a clear spray on product that comes in a spray can. You simply spray the substance over your license plate and it supposedly provides a reflective coating on your plate to reflect the camera flash. From what I have researched, the spray product is only illegal in Illinois and New York. But even so, the spray is completely clear and no one will ever know it is on your plates. I don't know how long the coating stays on the plate though. It probably states so on the spray can itself. I haven't tried the product yet to see if it works, but tests have proven that it is in fact effective. The spray costs about $30.
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