My dad is in the roofing trade and does a lot of sheet metal work. He does a lot of copper roofs and frequently brings home scrap copper, both No. 1 and No. 2. He’ll save aluminum if the price is right. Usually it’s not worth the hassle to save aluminum because it is so light. Scrap yards are like gold mines these days. In the past years copper has shot up tremendously in value. At one point some scrap yards were giving $3 a pound for No. 1 copper. We go to Sundafu Recycling in Conshohocken, formerly Giamo’s. When we went about a week ago the prices were $2.30 for No. 1 copper and $1.90 for No. 2 copper. We had a trash can full of No. 1 and a trash can full of No. 2 and raked in $315 cash. That was about a month and a half’s worth of scrap. That’s pretty good income for scrap metal. It is unbelievable how much they are giving for scrap metal. So, if you have metal laying around, cash it in.
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